This pack contains one Space Wolves Iron Priest - a finely detailed resin cast kit that comes in two components, and is supplied with a 25mm round base. Accompanied by up to four Cyberwolves and up to three Thrall-Servitors, your chances of success and endurance will increase greatly. If your vehicles and tanks suffer damage, your weapons destroyed or tracks immobilized, then the Iron Priests will perform an essential role in repairing them and bringing them back to operational service.
In the heat of battle, things do not always go to plan. Theirs is an ancient brotherhood, and each Iron Priest has undergone arduous tests in order to bring engines of war to life in the service of his Chapter. It is the Iron Priests who forge each blade and bless each bolter, and it is they who appease the spirits of plasma and flame. Masters of the forge, the war engine and the machine spirit, the Iron Priests maintain the weapons and technology of the Space Wolves.